9 February 2023

Leeds City College’s pre-apprenticeship course that supports people into healthcare

The ‘Winter Response’ pre-apprenticeship healthcare course is designed to prepare learners with the knowledge and skills of the healthcare sector in order to be best prepared to enter aligned roles in the industry.

The course is being offered as part of WYCC’s Collaborative Apprenticeships project and is fully funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Taught on the Eastgate Campus of Leeds City College and in a classroom fully equipped with hoists and healthcare equipment, small groups of learners of all ages have been taking part in this course to prepare them to enter caring professions.

The participants come from a mix of backgrounds, some parents, unemployed, others looking for new opportunities and career paths.

The course is developing learners skills in communication, nutrition, mental health, safe handling, moving and more. It provides them with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge that can make them competitive when applying for jobs and apprenticeships within the healthcare sector.

We met learners at a class in January who all agreed that the course theory, equipment, lecturers and facilities were impressive and key in their understanding, completion and enjoyment of the qualification.
Melanie described the role playing and experiencing the patient role in moving and handling, as making the skills memorable, easier to practice and empathise. She hopes the course is just a starting place and hopes to go as far as it can take me.

When asked what the group wanted to do after completing this qualification, Hawa also studying for maths and English qualifications at Leeds City College sees this course as a starting point to a future career in nursing.

Maya, who is enthusiastic about the new learning opportunity, also believes it is a means to get into a job that can give back to others in the community. In the future Maya hopes to look at healthcare roles in the different forms such as community, hospital and social care.

Igor says his motivations for completing the course include “a way to gain new employment and to learn more skills that can be used to get into a job he enjoys”. Igor says he learnt best when the lecturer was able to provide their own experience to the lessons and examples being taught, and the small class size meant that questions were easier to ask and learn from.

The pre-apprenticeship course is effective and promising in supporting new learners to get into healthcare professions including apprenticeships. This Collaborative Apprenticeships course is a great is a positive starting point for people from all backgrounds. Find out more today and see what the next steps for you can be in your healthcare journey.

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